Energy Justice & Sustainable Energy for All: The Next Steps The ability to harness energy is fundamental to economic and social development. Worldwide, almost 3 billion people have little or no access to beneficial energy resources for cooking, heating, water sanitation, illumination, transportation, or basic mechanical needs. Energy poverty exacerbates ill health and economic hardship, […]
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CEES Energy Justice Conference – 2010
Emerging Solutions for the Energy Poor: Technological, Entrepreneurial, & Industrial Challenges The 2010 Energy Justice Conference was designed to be a sequel to the 2009 conference, which began examining ways of mainstreaming safe, clean, and efficient energy for the world’s energy poor. The energy poor number two and a half billion people who live on […]
CEES Energy Justice Conference -2009
The 2009 CEES Energy Justice Conference took place at Colorado Law on October 23rd and 24th, 2009. It featured 11 sessions, more than 40 speakers, and attracted over 200 attendees. The Conference brought together leading international and U.S. decision-makers in politics, engineering, public health, law, business, economics, and innovators in the sciences to explore how […]